
More Cakes and Desserts by Weber's Inn

Here are some more cakes and desserts by Weber's Inn of Ann Arbor!

Farm-to-Table Dinner at White Lotus Farms

White Lotus Farms had a farm-to-table dinner featuring guest chef, Maggie Long of the Jolly Pumpkin!  White Lotus Farms is located within the Tsogyelgar Dharma Center.

Cakes and Desserts by Weber's Inn

Here are a few photos of cakes and desserts offered by Weber's Inn in Ann Arbor!

Food Photography | Mishpacha Magazine

Here are two dishes I photographed for Mishpacha Magazine!

Paesano | Wine Tasting Dinner

Paesano of Ann Arbor hosted a wine tasting dinner event with an Italian winemaker who paired his wine with each course and spoke about the craft throughout the night. Here are some of the photos from the evening!

Garlily | Lebanese Garlic Spread

Garlily is an all-purpose garlic condiment created by a couple from Canton, MI! They've spent years perfecting the recipe and getting it ready for production and sales and are ready to bring it to supermarkets soon! 

The ingredients are simple - just garlic, lemon, salt, and oil. I had the chance to photograph and eat all of the amazingly delicious dishes made with Garlily:

Here are some product shots: